
He Lost It!

Finally! He turned 7 years old over a month ago and STILL had not lost a baby tooth. We were convinced that he would be the only 2nd grader with all of his baby teeth. :) He was going to let me try to pull his tooth out after brushing teeth, before bed. But, we didn't have to do any of that... Got a little carried away while brushing, and ended up spitting blood (and his baby tooth) out!
We didn't have cash on us and had to steal from his piggy bank on behalf of the Tooth Ferry. Lucky for Cole, he ended up with a $20. We've learned our lesson to keep a stash of small bills going forward!
It's so small it looks like a baby cat tooth. :) 

Lisa Knott, this one is for you. Taking pictures while he still has some teeth left. :) 

The boys woke up at 5:15am this morning to show us what the Tooth Fairy left behind!