
Not Homebodies!

We may not have many friends here in this new city.  Two families to be exact, but we definitely entertain ourselves. We find towns to explore, trails to hike, lakes to fish, restaurants to try, sites to see.  Our little family is building a bigger bond and it feels good.  We are not homebodies. We've always known this, but it seems like lately we are more aware of it.
I'll post when I have more time to write. Right now, I need to look into what I need to do to take care of a  speeding ticket I got today.  After my ticket, Reid said "Mommy, does that mean you have to give your piggy bank to the police?" I said "Yes, Baby. Mommy has to pay the consequences of not following the rules". His response, "You can have my piggy bank, Mommy.".   He is my sweet boy! :)
Today was one of the busiest Sunday's we've had in a while. We went to a birthday party of one of Reid's friends, we saw my friend Mandi's daughter in the play, The Seussical, dinner and then a little exploration. We even saw 2 snakes! I don't believe the weather could be any better than it has been!
Here are some pictures from my iPhone from the latter part of the day.



This Easter Bunny is ready.  He brings little candy and boring things like toothbrushes, Sponge Bob soap, "Squishy Baff" (lets pray that stuff actually goes down the bath drain!) books, shades, shirts, swimsuits, shoes, bubbles, walrus and Nemo swim noodles.... We did the same type of thing last year because the boys always seem to take a bite or two of the candy/chocolate and then they leave it behind after a couple of minutes.  I LOVE being "Santa" and "Easter Bunny" (one day the Tooth Fairy) to our babies!!! It's so fun to sneak around with fun stuff for them!

Happy Easter!


Going back to Cali. I mean, work.

I start work tomorrow. Part of me feels like I did when I went back to work after maternity leave.  I'm sad to leave my babies.  I'll miss dropping Cole off at school. I'll miss racing the other moms to school so that Reid and I could be the first car in the car rider lane after school (yes, I focused on those things when I was off. haha!). Truthfully, it feels like I have been on a 4+ month vacation. I'll miss the laissez-faire weekdays. The change will be an adjustment. A short one, but an adjustment nonetheless. I'm nervous about my co-workers, my new boss and the job itself. I hope I love it as much as I loved my previous job.  I hope I'm successful.  Clearly, I have a bunch of thoughts twirling around in my head but the most consistent one is eagerness to start. I'm so ready to regain the sense of accomplishment and self worth that I get from working.  I thrive in that environment.  Now, I just need to get past the initial nerves of starting a new job. This will only be my 3rd job since college graduation, so nerves are to be expected I guess!

Here are a couple of pictures from this weekend.  The weather has been gorgeous, making it impossible to be indoors! Have a great week!

Our little one.
Two little Turtles. 

Our backyard. You can't really appreciate the colors, but the colors of the flowers are amazing right now. I love the spring time!
Just the four of us.
Picture that Tara took of us during Thanksgiving in Galveston.