I HAVE A HORRIBLE SINGING VOICE. Possibly the worst.  Then again, most of you reading this are already VERY well aware of that…. I think this is one of those “you had to have been there” moments to understand but I’m posting it on here so that I can be reminded down the road. Throughout the boys’ entire life (since their birth until this morning) I have sang to them in this high pitched, Opera-like voice. Mostly, I make up songs because I never learned the lullabies. About 5/6 years ago, I told Joe that I wanted to fool the boys into believing that mommy had a beautiful voice. I told him to just play along because I wanted the boys to talk about me after I was 6 feet under and say things like “Mom had such a beautiful voice”.  So, to help brainwash their little brains, I always say things like “Doesn’t mommy have a beautiful voice?” after I’m done signing. This morning, I realized that my plan to fool them had failed.
I began signing in the kitchen while they ate their breakfast. Cole just stared at me with a grin on his face, nodding his head sideways but he let me continue signing. When I finally stopped, he said in a completely serious tone, “Mommy, I’m sorry. But you DO NOT have a beautiful voice”.
All my years of hard work- DOWN THE DRAIN. I laugh inside every time I think of Cole’s little mannerism’s and look on his face when he said this to me.

I haven't taken pictures lately, but here is one of my Reido 
(not a typo, that's one of his nicknames). 
My babies begged me to make them Dirt Cake, so we made it. 
Too bad, I ate the majority of it.