

This is my 100th post. This doesn't include the entires I have from Babysites (Cole and Reid's previous site). I am so happy that I have been able to keep up with this thing. I am not a MarthaStewartscrapbookergirl (yes, it's to be read in one word). I have a terrible memory with dates. I barely have physical albums of their first year of life. But, I have this... Our family journal and I love it. I refer to this site to show the boys things that they've done in their little lives. Lately, we are doing that a lot. They love hearing stories and looking at pictures of when they were "a baby". Sometimes I just go through the pictures and reminisce the times when they were very little. I smile every time I come across an entry of something that they did or said.  It also makes me happy that Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Aunts/Uncles and the rest of the family and friends can read this to keep up with our babies. I didn't get the privilege to live in the same country as my extended family and I remember recording cassettes with our "letters" to them. My parents would mail them to my Grandparents and they would send one back. I remember getting Telegrams from them on my birthday. Click on the word to find out what a telegram is... Good God. It ages me. BAD!
Anyway, my point is that I love technology and I'm so thankful for Al Gore for inventing the internet. haha! In all seriousness, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading these entries. Thank you for caring about our life happenings and thank you for keeping me motivated to continue to post. :)  I know that 10, 20 or even 30 years from now, I'll still love reading about my babies no matter how old they are!

LOL! Not sure what Cole was trying to do but it makes us laugh! Reid was exactly a month old and Cole was  a week short of his 2nd birthday. 

Reid. This is the age/look where the term "Turtle" started. :)

Cole. I feel like babies around this age look like little baby turtles.
The cutest Turtles I've ever seen!!!!! For those of you wondering, that's a Spiderman tattoo on Reid's cheek.


Turtle Thursday

On Tuesday, Reid and I decided to pick Cole up from school with scooters. On the way there, things didn't work out quite like I envisioned (does it ever?!). Reid pretty much walked or carried his scooter the entire 1.2 miles to the school, while I carried Cole's.  The weather has been like Spring lately. SO AWESOME! Sunny, low 60's in the morning and mid 70's in the afternoon. I think it's starting to get hot again, but at least the temperatures seem to be cooling off. We are riding bikes and taking a lot of walks these days.

Have a wonderful weekend! 
Finally! @ Cole's school. 

Such a happy surprise for Cole. He loved getting to ride his scooter home.

On the way home. 

We stopped and checked out a couple of creeks along the way.


A Family of Turtles

Family picture for our Christmas cards this year????

Mmmm...I think my teeth look a little too big.
 Having so much fun with this little sidekick of mine. 
(If you can't see the video, just click on the little triangle on the bottom left of the bar). 


TooF Doctor.

I'm not sure why "no cavities" makes me happy every single time, like I did something right as a mom. Not sure why I feel like I can take credit for that (they are not my teeth), but I guess I do going by how it makes me feel.  This year, they have only made it to the Dentist once. Oooooooops. 
Honestly, the only thing I worried about finding before our move, was a Pediatrician. Pediatric Dentist was on my list, but somehow I put it off. All of a sudden September hit. I swear, it came out of no where. :- /

Less than 3 1/2 months until Christmas! Oh my.  So excited about Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas! This year, we are surprising the boys and taking them to Disney World the week of Thanksgiving. We aren't going to tell them until after our plane lands in Florida. We are so anxious to see their happy faces. I've said this before but to us, one of the greatest things about being a parent, is to watch our boys experience life.  Can't. Can't. CAN'T WAIT to show them a little more in November! 

Here are some the picture from the Toof Doctor. I'm sure the Hygienist and the Dentist wondered why I'm taking pictures like it's their first time. 
New X-Ray's. I love seeing their big boy teeth under their baby teeth. :)  If you are wondering, I do have to wash this Rangers shirt a minimum of twice a week because he wants to wear it ALL OF THE TIME! Sometimes, I lie and tell him that it's still wet, in the washer.  He will want to wear it yet AGAIN, this Sunday when we go to the Rangers game.

They feel absolutely cool during the visit. 

The Hygienist let Reid watch Cole's cleaning.  


YES!!! No cavities!
In the train at the dentist office.