A couple of months ago, we visited our friends Tony and Amy in Dallas. We took the boys and had a great time! One of the days while we bbq'd outside, a fly snuck into the house. Later, as we sat watching a football game on TV, a fly landed right in front of Tony and Cole. Tony instantly looked at Cole and said "Oh have you met Paul, our pet fly?" I still laugh at how nonchalant he was about it... As you can imagine, the kids went along with it. Or at least we thought they were just going along with it. We didn't really think that they would
truly believe it. On the drive back to Houston, a fly snuck into our car while getting gas. As soon as the boys saw it, they became ecstatic. "Paul wants to go to Houston with us!!!!!!" Eventually, we got rid of the fly and told them that "Paul wants to go back to Dallas with his family" and thought that was the end of it. It's been months and the kids cry (yes, real tears) and beg "Please don't kill Paul!" when we bring out the fly swatter.
I have a feeling that Paul will come up at some point. Hopefully, we are around so that we can explain. I can hear one of their friends telling their mom "But Cole has a pet fly. Why can't I have one?".
I'm so grossed out by *ANY* Paul!!!