
Mostly Big Turtle Stuff

(WARNING: Not as many pictures as I intended to get and LOTS of reading.)

Today, Cole took a field trip to the Bayou Wildlife Park in Alvin, Texas. This means that my 5 year old baby was in a bus with his baby friends and his teachers for at least an hour and a half. Not a single part of me wanted him to go. Not because I don’t trust his teachers, but because I don’t trust drivers on the road. We let him go because he was SO EXCITED about going and we didn’t want him to stay behind while all of his friends got to go and have fun. The vision of my Turtle Head in a bus for that long made me want to drive up to the school this morning, and hand them his car seat and a helmet…..haha! I know we can’t keep them in bubbles forever, but “Cole the Bubble Boy” has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

On a different note, Cole had a blast at his birthday party. This year, he picked to have his party at Shankz in the Woodlands (Black Light Miniature Golf). It was perfect place to have a KID party because the kids loved that everything was glow in the dark, they got to play golf and eat pizza and cake. Oh and it was indoors. We decided after last year’s party, that it was too hot to be outside for a long period of time in June. Cole has already asked to have a pool party one year, so that will be an exception since we can cool off with water. I love that he loves his birthday parties and that he knows exactly what he wants and where he wants to celebrate! I wasn’t able to get many pictures because of the lighting (dark/black lights). Thank you to all that helped him celebrate his birthday for almost a week. Two Saturdays ago, he got to go to Patti and Travis’ lake house to fish (see previous entry for pictures). On his actual Birthday, I took him to the pool with Tara and my nephews, Matt and Will. They ate lunch at the pool and swam. Later, we went to get frozen yogurt (with a million toppings) at this place called Orange Leaf. Thursday, we had his birthday party at school with a Harley Davidson Motorcycle cake. This past Saturday was the party at Shankz, where he also got to pick out the cake (Iron Man). He got to do every single thing he asked to do. We got him “red New Balance running shoes” (per his request), a helmet for skating/biking, goggles for the water and several water toys. My in laws got him a bunch of Ben10 stuff, which he is really into lately. My parents got him a 2 wheel Razor scooter (he’s wanted one since Christmas but we didn’t think he was old enough), a spy watch and a harmonica. He *LOVES* the Razor. He is already a pro on it. Some of the other stuff he got: clothes, a wooden baseball bat that he’s been begging for, a remote control truck, Sketcher light up shoes, money, a Nerf gun, 2 Super Water Soakers, a Hot Wheel ramp, Green Lantern stuff and some super hero dress up stuff (cant’ remember the hero’s name right now), a personalized lunchbox for school, and a couple of other toys. Oh and my sister and her boyfriend, got him a 6 ft air hockey table! It hasn’t been delivered yet, but it should be by next week. He will more than likely freak out when he sees it. Can’t wait to see the look on his face!
Thank you SO MUCH to all who showed my baby love on his day! He is one happy boy with all the gifts and Little Turtle is reaping the benefits!  :)
At Shankz. Cole insisted on wearing the shirt that they gave him. :)
Perfect place for a little boy's party.
Picture taken with the flash.

Cutest little glow worm (Brooklyn). All light colors lit up like her shirt!

Matt with his glow in the dark mustache. All my pictures were blurry like this. :(
Cole’s 5 year well visit went very well. Thankfully, Dr. Pope found him in “excellent shape developmentally, physically and intellectually”. Sight and hearing are good and he didn’t need any vaccinations. As a matter of fact, he won’t until his 11th birthday. Cole was very happy about that… He is in the 80 percentile in weight and 75th percentile in height. They no longer make measuring tape long enough to measure his head. ;-)

Cole has his last t-ball game this Saturday. Last night, the league had a “trophy party” at a restaurants so that we could eat dinner, cupcakes and distribute trophy’s and medals. The coach was sweet to call up each kid, say something nice about them and hand them the trophy and medal. Cole was the last one to be called. The coach said “and this award is for my little slugger”. Without hesitation, Cole got up to accept his award. He is good and he knows it! J The coach went on to say other sweet things and told Joe that it was obvious he worked very hard with him. Funny, how something so simple made me SO proud. We thought we would take a sports break over the summer, but when we asked Cole, he said “NO WAY. I want to play basketball now”. I hope we can find a league close by.

My Reid has had a girlfriend for a couple of months now. Her name is Shelby and he LOVVVVVES Shelby. Thankfully for him, Shelby loves him too. He tells her he loves her and they are stuck at the hip at school. Every single day when I get to his classroom to pick him up, he runs up to me, gives me a hug and a kiss and then (with biggest enthusiasm) tells me ALL about Shelby as if it’s the first time he’s ever told me about her. Very loving relationship but it can get volatile from time to time. Last week, Reid bit Shelby’s leg. Fortunately, he didn’t leave a mark, but still. The week before that, Shelby slapped Reid. He still won’t tell me what he did to deserve a slap… Yesterday, Reid mentioned his “girlfriend Abby”. I wonder if that had something to do with it???

Iron Man cake for his party at Shankz.

Harley Davidson cake for his party at school.


Where we've been.

It's been a while since my last post. We've been doing a couple of things since then. On May 20th, Cole graduated from Pre-K. My mom, dad, Joe, Reid and I were in all in attendance. I must have cried 2 or 3 times. He played one of the main roles in one of their end of year songs/shows. He led the class singing in Spanish and we were so proud. We are working on getting a video of the show from the school, because the batteries on my video camera were dead. I thought I had charged it- but I guess not! I didn't get very many good pictures either because someone either had their eyes closed or was looking away, during the family pictures. Later, the 4 of us went and played putt putt golf and rode go carts. Reid didn't get to ride on the carts because he's still not tall enough, so he and I played at the arcade.

I think he was a little nervous when he saw the crowd. :)

Just a *little* happy.
Singing and dancing.

Singing away.

His head is still huge. The cap fell off half way through the ceremony. ;-)

Joe and I went to Playa del Carmen, Mexico with our friends Adam and Tiffany. A couple hours after being at the resort, we were surprised by our friends Kevin and Lisa! We were SO HAPPY that they decided to lie to us for the months leading up to the trip and tell us that they couldn't go. It was the best surprise, ever! The 6 days with some of our best friends, were beautiful and so much fun!
Thank you Mami, Papi, Bruce and Carrie for keeping our babies while we were gone. We are so lucky to have such awesome parents! The boys had so much fun slumber partying with the grandparents!

Can this be my front yard, PLEASE!????

We just got back from Patti and Travis' lake house in Lake Livingston. It was so relaxing and fun! Cole asked them in December, if he could go fishing at their lake house for his birthday. Yes, he invited himself and the rest of his family to spend the night at their house. :) Patti and Travis were so sweet and bought Cole a "big boy" fishing pole. Patti called me to find out what his favorite foods are and they made him hamburgers, cookies and ice cream. They also got them those cute fishing hats! Cole's birthday isn't until Wednesday but the celebrations started this past weekend. He is waking up every morning and singing "Happy Birthday to me!". He can't wait. I took the day off Wednesday so that I could take them swimming and to eat ice cream. He specifically asked for Matt and Will to go with us, so that is what we are doing. I know the 4 cousins will have fun on Wednesday. Thursday, we'll have his party at school and Saturday we will have the party at Shankz (black light miniature golf). I can't believe he will be 5 years old in 3 days.

Have a wonderful week. I'll be posting pictures after Cole's party.